Minggu, 27 Juni 2021 - 12:17:25 WIB
Build Civic Skills Grand Design As Embodiment of Character Education In Schools Throught Problem Solving In Indonesia
disusun oleh : SUTOYO
Kategori: Jurnal International - Dibaca: 2 kali

Unduh Dokumen

Abstrak :Abstract
This research is aimed at finding a grand design-based learning model character
education in civic education. Citizenship Education as one of the resource-laden of the
value as part of a civic skill used as one of the teaching that would support continued
socialization process of nation building character. The method used in this study is
qualitative research, it is used to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced
by the subject of research by describing in the form of words and language in a
specific context which is natural and use various scientific methods. Research shows
that build civic skills based on a grand design character education can be done
through Problem Solving. Limited test and widely conducted to test the draft model has
been prepared, then the effectiveness of the model of Problem Solving in the learning
process is not just a theory in the classroom but is able to reflect the impact of a
companion to become active citizens demanded responsibility and independence, the
learning can be done outside the classroom with observation / practice of citizenship in
this case the student can understand in real as well as to compare whether there is still
a gap between the theory taught in the classroom to the field, and the final form of this
observation can be an array of reports systematically start outlining the problems,
study the theory, discussion of results and findings in the field and conclusions
presented in the presentation of each group that is mediated by civic education