Selasa, 24 Maret 2020 - 10:22:59 WIB
Interpersonal Intelligence In Enhancing Oral Presentation Proficiency For The Indonesian Students : Multiple Intelligence Approach In Education Field
disusun oleh : SRI HANDAYANI
Kategori: Jurnal International Bereputasi - Dibaca: 2 kali
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Abstrak :
For the Indonesian students, delivering oral presentation in English as foreign language become one of challenging assignments. This study is directed to find the influence of interpersonal intelligence toward the students oral presentation proficiency in academic presentation. The researcher employed case study to answer the problem. It was done by conducting the implementation of interpersonal intelligence in Seminar class at the eight semester students during three months. The data were obtained through interview, observation and questioners. Meanwhile, the qualitative interactive data analysis was employed to analyze the collected data, it consisted of data collection, data reduction and verification. From the result of the research, it can be seen clearly that interpersonal intelligence strongly enhances student oral presentation proficiency. The result shows that the oral implementation of interpersonal intelligence in Seminar class helps students to prepare their presentation. Based on the result of the questionnaires, it can be seen that 80 % of the respondents state strongly agree that building good relationship among classmates foster their ability to speak both formal and informal speech. This was supported by the result of the observation that more than 85% students have good relationship to their friends, they always communicate better especially in preparing any works to be presented. Meanwhile, based on the interview to the respondent, it can be seen that they need to increase their communication to their friends to enhance their way of communication.