Jumat, 03 Maret 2023 - 10:04:37 WIB
The Role of Stakeholders in The Implementation of Public Security and Order in the City Of Surakarta Indonesia
disusun oleh : JOKO PRAMONO
Kategori: Jurnal International - Dibaca: 2 kali

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Abstrak :


The government can be a communication tool between the interests of the state and society as well as the

interests of the society towards the state. The government can also be a provider of society’s needs in the

procurement of facilities and infrastructures, coordinating with related parties and intermediaries within

the society. The City Government can accommodate and absorb the ideas of the society into a good

formulation or concept for the implementation of public security and order through the village

deconcentration. This research aimed to describe the role of stakeholders in the implementation of security

and order in Surakarta City, Indonesia. This research was expected to be able to encourage the development

of institutional buildings that are continuously improved by policymakers and stakeholders in the

preparation and implementation of security and order policies on an ongoing basis. The research method

was qualitative. The collected data were analyzed using interactive analysis techniques according to Miles,

Huberman and Saldana (2014). Based on the research results, stakeholders have roles as regulators,

dynamists, catalysts, and facilitators in realizing public security and order.

Keywords: Role of Stakeholders, Public Security and Order.