Selasa, 03 Januari 2023 - 10:01:00 WIB
The Role of Women in Improving Family Resilience in The Middle of The Covid-19 Pandemic
disusun oleh : SETYASIH HARINI
Kategori: Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi - Dibaca: 2 kali

Unduh Dokumen

Abstrak :
Coronavirus is a deadly threat to all humankind. Its sudden arrival confused
the government and society. The government policy, which limits activities
outside the home and demands people to avoid crowds, followed by learning
from home, is a new burden for the community. This article aims to explain
a mother’s new role as a teacher and build more effective family
communication patterns in dealing with Covid-19. The research was carried
out by collecting data from several respondents who live in the Surakarta
area. This article’s object is related to the activities of mothers who are also
online teachers to their children at home with different educational
backgrounds and social statuses. This study’s results show that the Covid-19
pandemic was an opportunity for women as citizens and citizens to
experience social change. First, related to the globalization vortex that is
increasingly aggressively forcing women to come into contact with
information technology more. Women, namely mothers, are invited to
better understand user information technology to become teachers and
accompany their children when learning from home. Second, this period at
the same time provides an opportunity for Javanese women to further instill
social moral values as provisions for their children in the future. Third, this
period is an opportunity to improve ourselves so that they are more worthy
of becoming a more meaningful creature.
KEYWORDS: Covid-19, women, resilience, family