Minggu, 25 Desember 2022 - 15:14:35 WIB
An Analyze on Advertisement’ Effect, Word of Mouth, and Brand Awareness toward Buying Decision on “Ruang Guru Apps” in SMU Negeri XYZ Surakarta
Kategori: Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi - Dibaca: 2 kali

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Abstrak :Beside study at school, online tutoring is one of education non formal. One of online tutoring is Ruang Guru’ apps and still being on among other competitors such as Zenius, tutoring conventional and others. This research is focus on Ruang Guru’ apps which is always exist on students in Surakarta until now. This research uses descriptive quantitative. The purpose of this research is to analyze advertisement, word of mouth and brand awareness toward buying decision on Ruang Guru’ apps in students. Population is all students of SMU Negeri XYZ Surakarta, amount 1.191, and 100 respondents as random sampling. The research is on March – May 2022. Techniques of collecting data are primer data (by questionnaires) and secondary data (by files and documents). Data analyze uses Structural Equation Modelling - Partial Least Square (PLS). The result of this research shows that advertisement, word of mouth have positive significant effect toward brand awareness. Also, advertisement, word of mouth and brand awareness have positive significant effect toward buying decision. Advertisement and word of mouth have significant effect toward buying decision through brand awareness[DI1] . Therefore, marketing communication through advertising and word of mouth has a big role in making purchasing decision.