Jumat, 30 September 2022 - 11:40:16 WIB
TURNITIN. The Teachers Readiness of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model In Elementary School (Exploration study at Elementary School Teacher of Surakarta)
disusun oleh : BAMBANG HERMOYO
Kategori: Jurnal International - Dibaca: 2 kali

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Abstrak :Abstract. The Research purpose was to determine The Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model in Elementary School (Exploration Study at Elementary School Teacher of Surakarta .The research method used survey technique of quantitative research. The population were 80 Elementary School teachers in Surakarta and the sampling technique was purposive random sampling., consistst of Tempel Elementary School, Mojosongo 3 Elementary School, Bumi 1 Elementary School, Islam Bakti 1 Elementary School and Gandekan Elementary School. The data collection was questionnaire that to know the Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model. The questionnaire of Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model were dimensions, e.i curriculum concept understanding, teacher responsesiveness, responsibility, teacher self oriented, teacher perspective and teacher self confidence.The result revwal that The Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model in Elementary School only slightly more than general, finding indicates that curriculum concept understanding needed intensive trainning in order to improve effectively learning process in classroom