Senin, 30 Mei 2022 - 12:56:06 WIB
disusun oleh : LUSIA INDRASTUTI
Kategori: Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi - Dibaca: 2 kali

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Abstrak :

Community  participation  is  one  of  the  factors  that  influence  the  success  of  development programs  and  rural  community  development.  Community  participation  is  needed  to  realize village development in accordance with the needs of the village itself. Community participation does  not  only  involve  the  community  in  making  decisions  in  every  development  program,  but the   community   is   also   involved   in   identifying   problems   and   potentials   that exist   in   the community.  Without  community  participation  every  development  activity  will  fail.  Likewise with  regard  to  community  participation  in  the  use  and  management  of  village  funds,  this involvement  is  important  so  that  the  use  and  management  can  be  more  targeted  and  the benefits  will  be  more  impactful.  However,  what  happened  in  Banyuanyar  Village,  Ampel District,  Boyolali  Regency  in  terms  of  the  use  and  management  of  village  funds  was  still minimal  related  to  community  involvement  or  participation.  This  affects  community  support for  various  programs  that  will  be  run  using  village  funds.  This  of  course  would  violate  the requirements in managing village funds that have been regulated in Law No. 23 of 2014 which already regulates how to manage and use village funds. There are several factors that affect the level  of  community  participation  in  the  management  of  village  funds  such  as  the  lack  of socialization from the village government regarding the village fund program so that people do not understand aboutthe village fund program, which makes the community less participating. In addition, the education factor for the people of Banyuanyar Village, Ampel District, Boyolali Regency is still lacking, so it is difficult for people to understand all the activities carried out by other people in the community