Senin, 07 Desember 2020 - 16:59:55 WIB
disusun oleh : SIDIK NURYANTO
Kategori: Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi - Dibaca: 2 kali

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Abstrak :


NDNDNDNNDNDNSMSMMSBABBANSNSM,Solo sebagai kota besar memiliki banyak kampus negeri dan swasta. UNISRI sebagai
salah satu kampus swasta yang ada di kota bengawan ini. PG PAUD merupakan Program
studi yang dibuka pada tahun 2014 di FKIP. Sebagai program studi baru perseba
mahasiswanya tidak hanya berasal dari karisidenan Solo saja, namun berasal dari luar
pulau jawa seperti (Kalimantan, Sumatra, dan Nusa Tenggara). Di sisi lain fenomena
pemilihan program studi keguruan belakangan ini menurun, mengingat masih banyak
sannya belum terserap kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan
pemahaman mahasiswa tentang program studi, serta motivasi mereka untuk kuliah di PG
Penelitian ini menggunakan
pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode
deskriptif. Pengg
alian data dengan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil
penelitian adalah mahasiswa memahami program studi seperti visi, misi, tujuan, profil
lulusan melalui website atau brosur pada saat akan mendaftar menjadi mahasiswa baru.
Motivasi interna
l (1) profil lulusan guru PAUD, pengelola PAUD, penari dan pemusik,
pengembang APE serta gerak dan lagu. (2) Motivasi berprestasi di mana kuliah bukan
hanya cari ijasah tapi aktualisasi diri. Motivasi eksternal (1)
Kondisi kampus meliputi
akses transportas
i, kualitas dosen dan sarana prasarana yang sudah layak dan memadai.
(2) dorongan orang tua yang menghendaki anaknya menjadi guru PAUD.
Kata K
: Mot
Mahasiswa, Kuliah, Pendidikan G
uru PAUD
Solo as a big city has many public and private
campuses. UNISRI as one of the private campuses in
the city of Bengawan. PAUD PG PAUD is a study program that was opened in 2014 at FKIP. As
a new study program the distribution of students does not only come from the Solo residency, but
also from outside
Java such as (Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Nusa Tenggara). On the other hand the
phenomenon of selection of teacher training programs has recently declined, bearing in mind that
there are still many graduates who have not absorbed work. The purpose of this stu
dy is to describe
students' understanding of the study program, as well as their motivation to study at PG PAUD
This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data mining
techniques using interviews, observation and documentati
on. The results of the study are students
understanding study programs such as vision, mission, goals, graduate profiles through the
website or brochure when registering to become new students. Internal motivation (1) profiles of
PAUD teacher graduates, PA
UD managers, dancers and musicians, APE developers as well as
motion and song. (2) Achievement motivation where lectures are not just looking for a diploma but
actualization. External motivation (1) Campus conditions include transportation access,
turer quality and adequate and adequate infrastructure. (2) encouragement of parents who want
their children to become PAUD teachers
*correspondence Addres


Solo sebagai kota besar memiliki banyak kampus negeri dan swasta. UNISRI sebagai
salah satu kampus swasta yang ada di kota bengawan ini. PG PAUD merupakan Program
studi yang dibuka pada tahun 2014 di FKIP. Sebagai program studi baru perseba
mahasiswanya tidak hanya berasal dari karisidenan Solo saja, namun berasal dari luar
pulau jawa seperti (Kalimantan, Sumatra, dan Nusa Tenggara). Di sisi lain fenomena
pemilihan program studi keguruan belakangan ini menurun, mengingat masih banyak
sannya belum terserap kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan
pemahaman mahasiswa tentang program studi, serta motivasi mereka untuk kuliah di PG
Penelitian ini menggunakan
pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode
deskriptif. Pengg
alian data dengan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil
penelitian adalah mahasiswa memahami program studi seperti visi, misi, tujuan, profil
lulusan melalui website atau brosur pada saat akan mendaftar menjadi mahasiswa baru.
Motivasi interna
l (1) profil lulusan guru PAUD, pengelola PAUD, penari dan pemusik,
pengembang APE serta gerak dan lagu. (2) Motivasi berprestasi di mana kuliah bukan
hanya cari ijasah tapi aktualisasi diri. Motivasi eksternal (1)
Kondisi kampus meliputi
akses transportas
i, kualitas dosen dan sarana prasarana yang sudah layak dan memadai.
(2) dorongan orang tua yang menghendaki anaknya menjadi guru PAUD.
Kata K
: Mot
Mahasiswa, Kuliah, Pendidikan G
uru PAUD
Solo as a big city has many public and private
campuses. UNISRI as one of the private campuses in
the city of Bengawan. PAUD PG PAUD is a study program that was opened in 2014 at FKIP. As
a new study program the distribution of students does not only come from the Solo residency, but
also from outside
Java such as (Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Nusa Tenggara). On the other hand the
phenomenon of selection of teacher training programs has recently declined, bearing in mind that
there are still many graduates who have not absorbed work. The purpose of this stu
dy is to describe
students' understanding of the study program, as well as their motivation to study at PG PAUD
This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data mining
techniques using interviews, observation and documentati
on. The results of the study are students
understanding study programs such as vision, mission, goals, graduate profiles through the
website or brochure when registering to become new students. Internal motivation (1) profiles of
PAUD teacher graduates, PA
UD managers, dancers and musicians, APE developers as well as
motion and song. (2) Achievement motivation where lectures are not just looking for a diploma but
actualization. External motivation (1) Campus conditions include transportation access,
turer quality and adequate and adequate infrastructure. (2) encouragement of parents who want
their children to become PAUD teachers
*correspondence Addres